Abortion is often described as an easy fix, but a growing number of women say abortion left them with more problems than it solved. All say if they could do it over, they’d choose life for their children.
At age 14, Kelly was taken to an abortion clinic five months into her pregnancy. Kathy, a Kentucky mom of two, went through a horrific late-term abortion just after high school graduation. Shari, now an ultrasound technician, sought an abortion shortly after it was legalized in the United States. And, at 16, Georgette experienced abortion alone, telling no one of her decision.
The women say they had no idea what they were in for after the abortions. Each experienced Post Abortion Stress, symptoms that included sorrow at the sight of pregnant women or babies, emotional numbness, anger, guilt and shame, eating disorders, relationship problems, severe depression and suicidal feelings. (Season 1, Episode 17)
The Silent No More Awareness Campaign seeks to overcome the secrecy and silence surrounding the emotional, physical and spiritual of abortion. The Campaign also provides men and women with a forum to help others by sharing the painful consequences of abortion.
Rachel’s Vineyard offers weekend retreats throughout the United States for men and women struggling with the emotional and spiritual pain of abortion.
Both organizations also provide a wide referral system for further support and information.