An estimated four million men in the United States are struggling emotionally and psychologically after the abortion of their child. Studies say Post Abortion Stress largely stems from an instinctive male drive to provide for and protect his family. When abortion interrupts fulfillment of those natural desires, many men are left with feelings of guilt, inadequacy and anger.

We met three of these men: Hollywood movie producer Jonathan Flora, Louisiana firefighter Jeff Phipps, and Tripp Curtis, now a father of twelve. All say abortion seemed the easiest solution to unexpected pregnancies at the time, but they are now speaking out about the negative impact that decision had on them.

For each of these men, memories of the past bring intense regret and pain, but they share their stories in the hopes that other men can find healing and hope for the future. (Season 1, Episode 9)

If you or someone you know is struggling with the aftereffects of abortion; you can ask for a free counselor to help through the healing process.

We also offer a variety of resources for men who emotionally struggle after losing a child to abortion.