Joni Eareckson Tada survived a diving accident as a teenager. The dive left her paralyzed and in a deep depression, wondering if life was meant to be lived on her back. Joni says if it wasn’t for the support of loving and persistence people in her life, she would not be where she is today.
Today, Joni is a well-known author, painter and advocate for people living with adversities. Her outreach, Joni and Friends, serves as the informational and inspirational hub reaching out across America and internationally, supporting others’ living life with big challenges. Through it all, Joni is a constant reminder that big challenges yield amazing rewards when the value of life is not measured.
Kate Adamson is one woman who unexpectedly came up against a life-threatening challenge. Kate was a healthy 33 year-old wife raising two young children when she suffered a sudden stroke. Doctors said she would die within two days. Kate’s husband, Steven, seemed to believe this was not reality. His intuition told him Kate was trapped inside her body, just waiting to be heard. Finally his determination led to an amazing break-through; Kate was locked inside her body. Together, Steven and Kate began a journey that forever changed their lives.